4 year old girl bed wetting & mommy attention in the late a.m.
My girlfriend has gone through a really tough divorce. Her ex-husband for the last year and a half has not been there for her or the kids because of his girlfriend. The 4 year old daughter, on a nightly basis, fights going to sleep, wets the bed (sometimes 3 times a night), gets up in the middle of the night wanting her and her mother to go downstairs and watch t.v.
I am concerned for the daughter as well as my girlfriend. I can see how stressed she gets and when I try and help she pulls away and says they are her kids but she appreciates my help but will as me for help if she needs it.
I love her and her kids very much (and no this is not a rebound relationship for her) but I am worried this may cause some serious strain on our relationship. Any help or advice would really be appreciated.
Re: 4 year old girl bed wetting & mommy attention in the late a.m.
It sounds as if your girlfriends daughter has picked up on the stress that her mum is going and has gone through. If your girl friend can begin to relax more in front of her little girl then the bed wetting etc will most likely cease. Children younger than this can pick up all kinds of negative emotions and it will be having an affect, she is quite obviously wanting to make sure her mum is ok and wants her attention. Ask your girlfriend to try and give her daughter more attention by playing with her as much as she can and cuddling her. I'm sure once your girlfriend has got over this dreadful period in her life she will be fine, with a boyfriend like you to support her how can she go wrong! Keep up your good work.