thanks for your replies, we are taking turns to sleep in her own room for time being, tried to talk to her to see if anything is bothering her at school or has she watched any dvds or videos that were scary, she has told us when she was at the musuem that she was scared of the mummys and remembers when our cat had caught a mouse last year, we also have a new addition in the family a little girl who is 8 months old , our 6 year old is a brilliant big sister but we were wondering if maybe she was feeling neglected and this is also a cause, once again thanks for your replies
Billy, i think that's a good idea you have there, that will show your child she has nothing to fear about staying in her room. the 8 month old could be a huge factor there though, i don't think you mentioned that before, it will all work its self out in the end.