She may well have picked this up from your son, is it possible to talk to him about it? You could ask your daughter where she has heard this expression and ask her explain what 'she' means when she talks about it. If you get to the bottom of it then try and encourage her to use different language (ie next time she says it correct her by saying 'you mean cuddle' each time. If she doesn't hear this expression again then she will probably forget about it. Hope you get to the bottom of it, as I would also be concerned.
You have big problems buster! if you are bored i suggest you take out a dvd or watch some tv, anything at all as long as you get stuffed, you are probably some bored kid or just have a few bricks short of a load.
Thanks Debs I totally agree! Anyway, I've talked to my son he is going to stop saying 'things' in front of her and we have been doing as you suggested Angela correcting it to cuddles etc and she seems to get it so hopefully it will all just fade out with time. Thanks for your comments.