No, i am not condoning violence of any sort. that is why i think it is important to find other ways to deal with situations like this, it is simply my own opinion but i dont think that violence is a good way to solve your problems.
As a once "out of control teen", myself, I can say that I'm not terribly concerned about anyone going blind in the above "decking" incident. ;) But, I would also mention that it would have to be a judgement call. In the world these days, too many kids are getting decked---deserving or not---w/o the necessary abundance of LOVE, and the end results can be horrendous for all involved. With the insurgence of the "WWF" mentality, Jerry Springer being held up as an icon, and the like, it seems that it IS getting more and more difficult to get THROUGH to our children.
Now, that's what I FEEL. Here's what I KNOW:
The kid who is beligerant and aggressive to his/her parent or any adult will continue to do so, until they are MADE to understand, W/O a doubt, that this is not going to get them what they want. I am NOT advocating hitting young adults. On the contrary, I know it is best to let the correct officials handle these things. (Thinking of those with TRAINING in dealing w/ disruptive and dangerous youths) If Jr. thinks he's a BIG BOY,I would not hesitate to call the police and let them show him what he is signing up for. While they are keeping him, I suggest changing the locks on the doors, and when released, informing him that there will be a contract of sorts, and that the result of breaking the house rules will result in a speedy expulsion of the child and their belongings.
IF you are not willing and ready to FOLLOW through on the "consequences", you will only be making things worse on all involved by making idle threats.
i have to admit that i think the only way to deal with a bully, and it does sound like he's bullying, is to stand up to them and if nessesary knock them down. my farther beat me for years, at sixteen i broke his nose with a right jab, it was a spure of the moment thing and fealt awefull for doing it, but that 16 stone man never hit his 7 stone son again. i'm not saying "get mid-evil on his ass" but i am saying stand up to him, tough love, but he just may thank you for it later in life.