My son has just turned two. from day one this boy has never slept through the night. generaly between 11.00pm and 3.00am he will wake and cry for his mummy, it takes around an hour or so to settle him again and he sleeps through untill the morning. he's a happy and playfull sole in the day and gets lots of play, encouragment and attention. he has recently gone into his first bed in his own room. he is scared of the dark but always has a night lite on. i'd wellcome any tips from readers, we're both very tired the following day and really want to solve this problem.
The technique that Super Nanny used in one of the shows really does work well. You take the child into the room give kisses and say good night as you lay him into bed. Then sit on the floor next to the bed with your head down. If he gets out of bed pick him up and put him right back into bed (don't say anything!) sit back down and comtinue this untill he is back asleep and leave the room. As the nights go by sit further and further away from his bed untill you are not in there any more. The key is to not say anything or make eye contact. He will understand then that this is sleep time and not time to play with mommy! I hope this works for worked for a friend of mine but only when they followed all the steps. let me know what happens!