My daughter is 19 months old, and I am desperate to get rid of the bottle. She only gets it when it is naptime or bedtime and empty, but I hate it that she is so dependent on it. We have both gone through a very difficult transition lately, but I think it has been long enough that I can stop using that as an excuse. Does anyone have any advice for me?
What I would try, (it worked for one of my kids, but I struggled with the other), is take her out and let her choose a new cup. And this new cup is instead of her bottle.
Saying that she might not understand yet, but maybe if she can choose what she likes she might be more likely to use that. Especially if you make a big fuss over the new one!
Hope this helps.
She has picked out all of her sippy cups, but she will not take them when she wants to go to bed. That is the only time she wants the bottle. We are on the last bottle (as she has bitten all the nipples off the others), and I don't know if I am prepared for the struggle to get rid of it.
I think it is important because I wanted her off of it months ago, but with everything that has happened I let her keep using it. I hate the fact that she is so dependent on it.