Hi Jennifer, thanks for the advise, I will definatly try the happy face chart, I have done behaviour charts in the past but in hindsight I think I have listed too many tasks for Olivia to complete, maybe if I keep it simple it will work.And I think you are perfectly correct in saying that its a control issue, they are very clever really, thank you for taking the time out to reply to me, its also good to know that other mums are dealing with the same sort of spirited children, at times you think its only yours.Donna
In our house, a time out includes being alone - so no one can here you sing or make noise....it no one is around to pay any attention, the actions stop, and a time out is something to be avoided...
Donna, it was just like reading about my daughter who is seven, she is so bossy, very confident, can be manipulitive at times. her teacher says she is a star and doesn't have a bad word to say about her.
she is a control freak, she is extreamly loud, affectionate, cuddly and loving, always seems to say the right thing, intelligent but she drives me up the wall as much as i obviously adore her, i'm at a loss, charts seem to work in the short run but she loses interest really fast. I feel i am getting at her constantly, be nice Cait, don't boss cait, and getting her to comply is a struggle unless i bawl at her which i don't want to do but at times its necessary as she just don't listen. I hope someone can come up with something else to try for our bossy little divas
thanks for that Debs, golly they do sound alike, was she like that from a very early age ?
My daughter is constantly challenging the boundries, always questioning me why... If I tell her to come now please, its always "in a minute", which drives me mad.. I dont let her get away with it, but also hate being on her case 24/7.She is very physical and loves both rough stuff or cuddles but both usually end up with someone being hurt as she will accidently hit you or dig her elbows into you, it isnt on purpose, and we are always saying be careful, but shes terrible, is your daughter like this?It does wear you down hey..
Oh well, we wouldnt change them for the world still hey !
Yeah she is Donna, from around the age of 18 months she has been able to hold a full conversation with an adult, they were amazed with her at playschool and she was always a favourite with them. I think now though, she has made enemies because of the way she is, we live in a close and the other kids are not like this and i think are scared of her, she doesn't hurt people on purpose, if someone hurts her she won't stand and take it though, and will retaliate however, and I've had a few blow outs with neighbours over her, she has caused me such heartache even though i love her i'm so stressed so i know where you are coming from. I love it that she is so confident and she won't be anyones' fool but she's OTT at times and other kids find her overbearing. she has alot of friends at school who are in my son's year, (year 6) and she is only year 2. I think its because she is so intense, she relates better to older kids and adults, who find her fascinating, she comes out with words i have barely heard of and in context too. She thinks she is in charge too, like you say, i ask her to brush her teeth or wash her hands for tea and she says 'yeah, i'm in the middle of something right now so i'll do that when i've finished ok' unbelievable!
She is very physical too like you say and always asks for 'boys toys' at christmas and birthdays, like this year she wants a chopper bike in blue. she has hardly ever played with her toys she would rather play with her brother outside on their bikes, or catching and torturing frogs. I should have had 2 lads ha ha.
Have you any other kids?
Hi again,We have another daughter who is 4 next month and she is nothing like Olivia, she is so easygoing and gentle and kind and shares etc..
How about you do you have any other children?Donna
Hi donna
He is 11. Very quiet and easy pleased child, sensitive and loving, (not that Caitlin isn't a loving child she is but George is so much more gentle) even though he is a giant, almost taller than i am, and he's still at primary school.
If you ever fancy a chat why not e-mail me, it will be good to talk about the divas and compare notes
rain_will@tiscali.co.uk I always say that if i had had Cait first i would have not had another child ha ha.