There are 2 sides to my reply. The first is I'm glad to hear that you have rebuilding your relation ship with your daughter. You will have to start at the beginning in many ways so I would listen to everything her mother (or main carer) says about her routine, rules, discipline etc. You should also know that the child will probably be quite wary of you to begin with but will in time try it on with you!! She will test the boundaries and push the limits. There is honestly too much to write here so I would suggest you visit your library and ask for some reading materials to help with parenting.
My second comment is that I have just replied again to a question about a child being sick and your comments about playing it down and distraction techniques. I am all for different opinions and trying different ideas and brain storming for a solution BUT I was concerned that you were giving advice to one question about a 18 month old then stating quite clearly in this post that you "don't have a clue about 2 year olds in general". Can I suggest that you read these posts for the time being as maybe your advice is not as useful as some others who have been there/tried that and have experience of this type of parenting/behaviour. Don't mean to be patronising in any way and hope that you take this as the constructive critisism that it is intended to be.
Good luck with your own child - there's a saying that people have 2 ears and one mouth so that they can listen more than they talk. It may be more beneficial for you to read the posts rather than reply for the time being.