Hello this is Bob H needing more help with some resaerch. I am looking for actual parents to give there words of wisdom on a various topics.
1)Do you feel your teen respects your decisios? why or why not?
2)Is your teens life more stressful then yours was at their age?
3)Are there certain thing you "lay the law" down about their friends. and why?
4)What type of rule do you feel your kids want to break the most? why?
5)Is there any advive you would give to parents that are about to have their kids turn into teenagers?
6)what are the common difficulties you have with your kids?
Thank you for any help you can give. And feel free to add any topic you feel is important to being a parent to kids around the teenage years.
Love the sound of your course!
I have a 15 year old son and a 12 year old daughter.
He respects our desisions because i think he likes being given direction. He seems to like the fact that we care as alot of his friends have strainge parents that let them come and go as they please. I don't know what he says to them about for instance: he has to be in the house for 9 weekdays and 9.30 weekends.
I think we find the thought of being a teenager more stresfull because we see danger now were older. I also think society as a whole takes more notice of what they are doing. For example myself as a teen would stay out all day and my parents seemed ok by this or not seem to worry --I have asked my mum and she thinks we didn't have the dnagers there are today we -- but there was sniffing glue i remember the bad kids doing this. However when my son is out all day (holidays) i imagine all sorts - in my mind i have him taking drugs (no reason to) or harasing people (he is a sweetie so no call for this)but i think it must be so boring hanging around, why can't he find somthing constructive to do???
The difficulties i have is his choice of friends (still ongoing), and the major one taking school work more seriously, he doesn't try as hard as we would like. Again we see his potential and he just cruises along.
Thats all i can think of at the moment and really can't think of any advice cos i'm still learning and i also think it depends on the childs personality could be fun when my daughter is a little older.
Bye for now
Thank you for your help. It all will come in use full. I liked the sound of this class to and it's turning out to be pretty good class. Feel free to send me more if you can think of anything.