6 year old daughter finds it difficult making friends
Hi all. I hope someone can help me! My daughter is 6 years old and has just told me that she hasn't got any friends at school. I'm heartbroken! It came as a complete shock to her dad and I as we feel that she's a very confident little girl who does really well at school.
She's an only child and I'm wondering if that might have something to do with it. She has relatives and friends of the family the same age as she is and is quite happy to join in but somehow she's finding it difficult to do this at school. I'm not entirely sure how to deal with this problem so if anyone has any ideas, I'm waiting with open ears!
Re: 6 year old daughter finds it difficult making friends
Hi Kelly, well I wouldn't worry too much about what your daughter is saying about friends,I have a 5 year old who has just started school and quite often plays all day by herself,I think it takes quite a wee while to establish friends and I do know that girls can be quite catty with each other from a very early age, its hard if your daughter is sensitive,(mines not)Have you spoken to her teacher and asked about her behaviour with kids within the classroom?
I hope she finds freinds soon, as I know it worries the mums probably even more than the kids, good luck Donna