My 15 year old son is adorable. He has always been a ggo lad. The problem is that for the last year he has being hanging around with a group of kids that are horrid they take dope, they are known to the local police (my son isn't), they get into such bother at school. They all have iffy parents or broken homes. Me and his dad have been together forever. I don'want to come accross old fashioned but we are the tipical 2 point 4 household.
I so don't want him to go out. But how do we stop him? I get to know what these kids get up and point out to my son that if they have a bad name he will be judged the same.
We went to his school parent evening and all was good I was so relieved. He is good in the home and is chatty and respectfull but my mind just goes into overdrive when he is out of the house with them.
What should we do? help
Ok your son is BORED and he is at the age where excitement and experimentation are important to him.
So what you need to do is distract him. For instance is he into sports? or in anyway artistic? if so encourage him in these pursuits and try and find places for him to pursue them and encourage him to go.
He will soon develop new friends in these activities as well as new skills and confidence(more confidence means less peer pressure!!).
At his age he needs guidance more than disipline So try not to be to heavy handed.
xcuse my spelling
I have to agree, if he gets involved in an avtivity (preferably one that this group of youths are not
into) he will find new friends and i'm sorry but if he's mixing with kids who are trouble i would have no qualms whatsoever about telling him he isn't hanging with them FULL STOP