I have a daughter who is making me worried. She is the most negative child I have ever dealt with. I run a daycare, and she is my biggest challenge. She always has this poor me every one hates me attitude, and she will tell me she wishes she were dead. If the kids don't want to play her game, she pouts and whines no one likes her. She will hit or push her sister or other kids and then when she gets in trouble for it, my god the world has come to an end and she wishes she were dead. She does nothing wrong, everyone else is just mean to her.
I'm out of ideas for dealing with this. I can't take anymore temper tantrums and mind games from her. Because of her, I may be losing kids in my daycare because of her behaviour. Please help, i could use any advice you may have.
Re: 8 yr old daughter with negative poor me attitude
My daughter is now 12 and is adorable.
She was just the same from as young as i can remember she had poor self esteam. She found it very difficult to make friends because she was so grumpy and always wanted her own way. Therefore she really didn't like herself. She often wished she were dead, or said she was just too ugly. It was quite draining! I often blaimed myself thinking i must have done something. Her school was no help either, they had problems with her not being nice or not joining in. They blaimed me for working (although i worked part time when she was at scool anyway).
She changed gradually from starting the junior school. I sent her to a different school to her peers. This school didn't let her behave the way she was used to. She also made a different set of friends who hadn't seen her be so awful (I believe she reacted some ways because the other children and teachers expected her to) I also continued telling her how good she was now that she was growing up. Everyday I slipped in comments about how beautiful she looked. She also needed to be told "yes you are clever and you can do it".
She was at an age where we could have one to one girlie days, although she still doesn't like shopping for very long. She often gets too attatched to girls when they become friends, but she is getting better at being her own person. She is now very confident and likes herself. She never says anything negative about herself anymore.
Hope this helps!
Re: 8 yr old daughter with negative poor me attitude
Worthy Praise(when they do something good), and loving praise(when you just feel you love them and want to compliment) given them when appropiate by picking up on cues from your child. I meant to reply to original post btw oops