Hope this helps. I've got 3 kids, tow boys aged 13 and ten and girl of 7.
Joy of parenting teens!? No there are some nice moments. I'm very proud of my handsome sociable teenage son.
The challenge is getting the balance between still having some say over his life without him feeling that I am dictating to him and not allowing him any freedom.
Handling rows with him is very difficult. He loses his temper very quickly and that tends to escalate rows to shouting level very quickly, so I have to try and stay calm but that is not easy with some very spiteful nasty remarks being aimed at you. Its probably best to walk away then as nothing constructive is being achieved, and come back and discuss it when you are both a bit calmer.
My son has had several girlfriends the latest of which I think is nice. I think it shows a soft side to my sons nature as he is very sweet to her.
I would not mind if my son got a part time job but only a few hours a week paper round or such like.
I like some of my sons friends who are polite and appear to be good fun without getting into troublebut I have had alot of problems with one boy. I have tried to work out the problem and have come to the conclusion that this boy is so insecure that he even sees his mates parents as competition. He is very manipulative and deliberatly undermines me with my son. he says things like, your mum is so out of order, you dont have to do what she says and I bet you a fiver she will make you go.
Hope some of this helps.