I have a 6 year old daughter who did not speak until she was nearly 3. She understood everything I said and she made attempts and I could understand what she was trying to communicate.
She spent quite a bit of her time from 1-3 years old in and out of hospital with recurrent chest infections and everytime I queried her lack of speech with the health visitor or someone I was told that she was probably just behind because of the amount of time in hospital.
However, by the time she had her 3 1/2 year health review she failed every single test and so was referred to a child development centre, where they diagnosed her with dyspraxia. She was then referred for speech therapy and occupational therapy.
She stopped speech therapy a year ago and has her occupational therapy in school. She is slightly behind, but not worryingly so.
Like you say, every childs development is different and it could just be that she is taking longer than you are expecting. If you are having concerns though you should discuss them with your health visitor or someone similar.
My friends son is 3 in January and he never said a word apart from the occasional grunt, but when he started nursery for a few mornings a week last month he suddenly started talking. His mum thinks that it could be that his elder brother (nearly 5) used to talk for him, so he never had any need to talk!
Presumably if your daughter understands what you are asking her to do and can understand what you are saying,there are no problems with her ears as obviously that could affect her speech.
If you get her assessed and everything seems okay then I think it's just a case of waiting until she is ready.
I hope you get things sorted, but please try not to worry.
I can't really help you, but I'm going through the same thing. My son was 2 last week and he doesn't say anything, like mum or dad either. The only thing he will say is "Twinkle, twinkle little star". The words are as clear as a bell!! He has just had his 2 year check with the health visitor, and it didn't go too well. To be honest I thought they were very tactless with me, and I left feeling really upset. He has had a speech therapist and occupational therapist come round once. Don't really know whats going on there. And in a couple of weeks we've got a pre-school teacher coming round, she's going to come weekly. We've met her once and she seems great, so fingers crossed.
I know this doesn't really help you, but you might feel better knowing someones going through the same (I know I would!)
Hope you get all the help you need.
(I'm not 100% sure how this site works, but I've put in my Instant Messenger name and (if it works), if you want to get in contact that'd be great.)
thx for your comments and sharing your stories. I really appreciate it and it does make me feel better knowing that Im not the only worried mom out there. I just tend to worry too much i want everything for my little girl and what parent wouldn't. I think I am going to put her in daycare soon and perhaps that may change things..and that is something else that bothers me as well but that's an other post hehehehe...i will keep ya posted.