We use a system of a check marks at school equals a time out at home. Doesn't matter if it talking, not listening, or not doing as directed. There is a consequence for mis-behavior at school.
i had this same report when i visited school for parents evening last week. my daughter (6) talks non stop from the start of class to the end and the teacher, although doesn't do 'checks'
on the board just told me, and showed me a piece of work my daughter had done which at first i thought 'yeah right' unti she said that the first two lines were already on the board. my daughter had done only 3 lines in 40 minutes beacuse she is gossiping all the time. i was horrified. my first thought was is there someone else distracting her? then i got real and thought 'no, she's just a motor mouth' and can't stop herself. i asked the teacher if she was lacking in any area and she replied not at all. i just hope she grows out of it. she's like i was at school, teacher's nightmare! some kids gab some don't! just talk to her and say 'why do you chatter in class?' i did this and my daughter said 'i don't know' i told her she shouldn't, nothing too heavy, i never harped on about it, afterall if the teacher can't cope she shouldn't be in the job. i wasn't going to make my kid feel like she hated school, just a reminder that she ought to be getting on with her work.
(4 is rather young though i must say)
now my daughter doesn't chatter half as much.teacher is now giving her stickers nearly every day.
ummm hello she's 4!! I am a preschool teacher myself ,i work with 4 yr olds as well... i think you need to have a talk with the director, that is just too harsh to expect a 4 yr old to sit there and not say a word. At my school, before i get ready to teach ,i have a talking stick that i let anyone who wants to come up and say something hold on to and they tell whatever it is they want to say and after everyone has had a turn i then say " now its my turn to talk" and you would be amazed at how quiet the children are while i teach them. maybe the teacher needs to learn some creative ways to get the child's attention rather than check marks.