Im lost as to what to do.
My 6yr old daughter seems to cry all the time. when her grandma approached her in the playground before school yesterday to ask her why she's crying yet again, her reply was because she is just so angry.
It seems she is crying if someone or something is not living up to her expectations, eg: not getting her own way. school friend cheating in a game, or simply just out of frustration at not being able to understand/do something.
She seems to be crying at a drop of a hat and im concerned that she'll be laughed/picked on at school, if she's behaving like this there. Also, i cant understand her intollerance at people cheating as when im playing games with her, she always cheats, which i pull her up on. Why's she so against it, if she does it.
Pls advise, anyone who has even the littlest snip of advise.
Thank you in advance
check out this book by john gottman- i have posted on it before-it outlines really helpful ways to deal with your childs emotions and help them to identify how they are feeling and what they can do to feel better-its called 'the heart of parenting-raising an emotionally intelligent child'it also has a lot of ideas as to how parents can learn to 'coach' their children through different emotions so that the child learns about their emotions and how to identify what they are feeling and why.
your daughter is probably crying whenever she has feelings that she doesnt like, but doesnt know how to express in a constructive way, so she simply cries. she probably doesnt know any other way to deal with these emotions, but this book teaches you how to teach HER good, positive and constructive ways to deal with these emotions. good luck!