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Re: Re: Re: 4 year old behaviour at nursery

I work at a preschool and i find it disgusting that a practitioner had labelled your child as'mean' any carer worth their salt knows you do not label children, just point out their behaviour is unacceptable at that particular moment in time. We have children who do exactly what you describe your son is doing at his setting and we don't assign him/her to a program for that, there may be another reason why thay have done that, have you asked them specifically why? sometimes its communication difficulties, they are frustrated they can't relate to the carer what it is they want so they run off, so they are labelled 'naughty'
Is there a reason why he won't sit at snack time? is there another child he doesn't get along with that the staff sit him next to? staff are often very busy and usually understaffed but they don't sound like they are evaluating the situation effectively.
Have him evaluated by the professionals anyway, there is no shame in that at all you are not to blame and nor is your child.
Perhaps they don't stimulate him enought, stretch his imagination, it sounds very much like they aren't sure of how to deal with a challenging child.
He sounds very energetic and charming i hope you get it sorted.