I am so. . .I dont know, disappointed, angry just about everything. My husband and I both work, and our boys (7&8) have everything they NEED, and if appropriate, some of what they want. Today, my son stole a digital camera from his teacher. Of course he lied when I asked where it came from, then I said " I will ask one more time, and I want the truth" and he told me. When I asked him why, he said, "'cause I wanted something like that". We have had minor problems with "taking". Example: taking quarters without asking, small stuff. Well I think I went overboard. I told him how disappointed I was and I didn't think I could trust him anymore, I asked him if he understood that he has broken the trust, and friendship he had with his teacher. I then proceeded to take everything from him! The only posessions he has now is: One shirt, one pair of jeans, one pair of socks, one pair of underwear, coat and backpack. I told him he would have to earn the other stuff back. I sent him to his room, he has a choice to either read a book, or go to sleep.
Well, he came out to use the bathroom, and he seemed a little sly to me, so I asked what he had, he handed me a piece of candy, 2 minutes later, I went into his room to check on him, and he was acting sneeky again. He was laying on a piece of candy!!!!! I had to walk outside, I am so upset, I just dont know what to do. Please Help.
I afraid the only thing that going to make him realise what he is doing is if he has something to lose. If he has everything he could ever want, then maybe, if he is found taking anything then he must lose something he loves. Each time he does this, take a favourite toy or game and place it in a box. Let him know its there. But don't give it back, and don't give in. When after a period of time (Not a short time) when he has stopped this and realises what its like to lose something, he could start having things back. Maybe also he needs to value his own stuff. If he gets everything easily they have no real value and he doesn't understand what hes doing.