Our 10 yr old son is having problems at school with his behevior, he's getting into fights with other kids, being disruptive in class, and generally being rude to his teachers.At home he's a loving, caring kid, although getting him to clean his room is a nightmare, he does help around the house.
I'm getting phone calls from the school on a regular basis and just don't know what to try next.We've taken things off him, grounded him, reward charts,and he's behaviour is then perfect at home, ok at school, but then it soon goes back to being terrible at school. He has a bad temper and I hate seeing him like this, any idea's?
Hi Di,
I have a 9 1/2 yrs boy who is in the same position as yours. He is loving and caring and helpful at home, but at school you would think he has 666 behind his ear. I am also getting called into school all the time. Mostly petty things that the school make into big issues. I feel upset and angry at the school as they never seem to see anything good about him. He gets blamed for everything now and I find it hard to go and fetch him from school as I dont know what will happen next. I would love to talk to someone who is having the same things happen and would love it if you would email me.
I'm having the same problems with my 4 year old at nursery! While my son is no angel (he is 4), he does not behave the same way at home as they report at school. I'm waiting on behavioural support services to assess him. How long has this been going on for you? I know what you mean about picking up from school, I dread it on a daily basis. Let me know how you get on.