My 16 month old daughter won't sleep in the afternoon
My 16 month old daughter refuses to go for a sleep through the day. She ends up screaming with temper. Come teatime she is so grumpy and angry with tiredness that it's a struggle for her to eat her dinner. I have tried lying her back down in her cot over and over for up to 2 hours and i have tried putting her in her buggy but nothing works, Help
Re: My 16 month old daughter won't sleep in the afternoon
As she is getting older she obviously does not need so much sleep. I would suggest she has her main meal at lunchtime so that she does not need to eat so much at tea time, also the larger meal may make her feel more sleepy (I know I always am after lunch ~ children are really no different). Then at tea time give her a small sandwich etc. followed by a drink then bath and bed. If she does not want to nap during the day then don't force it, just put her to bed a little earlier in the evening.
Re: My 16 month old daughter won't sleep in the afternoon
Can I ask how she sleeps at night? Does she sleep well and how long does she sleep? I know every baby is different. But I have a 20 month old daughter and she sleep through the night....anywhere from 10-12 hours.....closer to 12 most of the time...and still takes a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. Yes, I know I'm lucky...:) Your daughter not napping in the afternoon may have something to do with how she sleeps at night. Sometimes babies have a hard time going to sleep if they are too tired. Hope all goes well with you. Take care!
Re: Re: My 16 month old daughter won't sleep in the afternoon
I have a 20 month old who had a similar problem. At the age of about 3 months, she suddenly decided that afternoon naps were not necessary. I would put her down, and she fell asleep really well, then woke after only 20 min and wouldn't go back to sleep. I'd rock her, and occcassionaly get her to sleep a bit more, but generally not, and then she'd be really cranky!! I'd sometimes try for over 2 hours, just like you.
We just worked it through. Every day we tried, and sometimes we succeeded. She would be exhausted, but sometimes just wouldn't sleep. The doctor put it best when he said "you can't make them sleep". Grace started daycare at 4 months when I went back to work, and it was no better. Eventually though, she did finally find her routine. Now, at 20 months, she sleeps 1 1/2 to 2 hours every day - no matter where she is. One thing that helped, a VERY dark room. We keep towels, blinds, and curtains over her window. She likes to be very warm. Also, when she was little, daycare put her to sleep on her tummy, and she slept on her back - and couldn't roll over.
We tried tons of external stuff (light, warmth etc.) before we found the right combination - a dark, warm room, and the same music playing every single time we put her to sleep (nap time and night time). It works like a charm.