My son is having a real hard time with Kindergarden. My usually happy, outgoing and spirited child is quite, withdrawn, and moody. He has been in daycare since 2 yrs old so I thought "K" would be a piece of cake. When I ask him about it he refused to talk about his day. I assume this is a normal reaction but most of the Mom's I talk to say that their child LOVES kindergarden. Any Help out there? It breaks my heart to send him out every morining crying and pick him up quite and angry.
Please please talk to teacher as soon as possible to find out what is going on there. I would be very concerned if my child suddenly started to withdraw, it can be a bad sign of something like bullying. Suss it out promptly.
If there is nothing going on, then it could be just an adjustment issue that the teacher should be able to help with. Talk up how great kindergarten is and invite some of the other kids over for playdates to help your son make friends. If things don't improve, I would seriously consider moving him to another kindergarten. Life is too short to be unhappy