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Wanted - Early Learning Centre - soft toy bear from the Naturals range.

Our 2 year old son lost his bear a couple of weeks ago and is distraught without it. It is about 8" tall and really soft, like a rag doll.

ELC do not make them any more and there are none in any of the shops throughout the world - we've checked! So I am hoping that someone out there may have a spare soft bear that their child has grown out of. Please!

Re: Wanted - Early Learning Centre - soft toy bear from the Naturals range.

If no one can help here, try ebay. Someone might have one for sale there. Good luck, hope you find one.

Re: Wanted - Early Learning Centre - soft toy bear from the Naturals range.

Just to say that I now now managed to locate an identical bear/dog from another source. Thank you all for your concern and help. Martin.