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Re: Re: other than spanking

if you put diapers on a 12 or 14 year old that is sick.they are young adults at that age and you should not be touching that area of there bodies at all.if you ask me this sounds like child abuse,and if your children told the authorities what you did to them id be very suprised if they didnt think the same.

Re: other than spanking

Try getting the older children to decide for themselves what they think the punishment should be. Tell them you want them to tell you what punishment should be issued,why and how it relates to what they did. However, you are aiming to get the children to show you that they understand (from a perception relative to their age and developmental stage) that what they did was wrong, why it was wrong, and what they are going to do instead in the future. This means that for anything that requires 'punishment' considerable thought processes have to be given to the inappropriate act by the children as to what they did, why it was wrong, and what an appropriate punishment is. In some instances; depending on what it was that deserved the punishment, you may decide that where the children clearly identify what they did wrong and why it was wrong in several conversations that you may decide the reflection and decision reached by the child that it was wrong is sufficient punishment. Just do not tell the children that too early This has far greater 'behavioural change' impact than banning hockey for a month, or TV for a week - and will always, ALWAYS have a developmental impact that physical violence never will