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Re: Lonely at High School

Well i guess it is still early days so it is the settling in period but as a mother it would be breaking your heart.

Could your son get involved in some after school activities like sport, debating or chess. Could you ask some kids over from school or have a small party or a dvd night. Alternatively could you invite some of the parents including the kids over for lunch or dinner. Make it a family event. This could help your son to build some friendships outside the school environment.

Hope he makes some friends soon I am sure he will he just has to find his niche.

Re: Re: Lonely at High School

Thank you for your reply. You're right - it is early days. It has just been such a colossal shock to him and tonight is the first night in nearly two weeks that he has gone to sleep without crying and getting out of bed repeatedly. The funny thing is, it has been a hobby today that has done some good! He won't stay for after school things yet (he's desperate to get out of the place asap), but he has scored his first ever goal for his junior league football team this evening. A collective family whoop for him and big sigh of relief. I am very grateful for your interest in his situation and everything that you suggest will be hopefully tried over the coming weeks. thanks again.

Re: Re: Re: Lonely at High School

Karen I am glad things are a bit better. I really understand how you feel, as mothers it breaks our hearts when our children are sad. Your son sounds like a great kid, I am sure he will find his way quickly especially once he gets more involved in school activities such as sport. Wishing you all the best