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Re: Rude and Vulgar Brat

I think this a big problem and your husband needs to wake up. He is probably part of the problem in that he probably doesn't back you up when you try to discipline your son. You both need to be a united discipline front otherwise you will have no hope of getting your son under control. A lot of his behaviour is attention seeking and he wants a reaction.

Time Out!! when your son misbehaves put him in a boring room in the house like the laundry with no tv, toys or books for 5 minutes. One warning then time out. Be consistent and don't back down. If he yells, ignore him, don't let him out till he has done his time. If he comes out put him back in and double his time. When he comes out in a calm way explain why the behaviour is not on and get him to apologise.

You might have to do this several times a day at first but things will improve if you are consistent and don't back down. Just see it through and it works.

I would also look at his diet. This is a great website about diet related additives that can affect behaviour. I know sugar sends my son silly. Cut down on the junk food.

If none of this works you should see a doctor to assess if he has add/adhd. He may need medical help.

Good luck and be tough, this is not normal 5 year old behaviour.

Re: Rude and Vulgar Brat

I am so sorry to read your problem, your obviously at your wits end.
I dont know if this will be any help, but i find that a bold chair or a time out helps really well, dont speak to him when he is being bold and lead him to the spot that you have set out as "bold area". if he keeps coming out just keep leading him back. you may have to this fifteen times at first but he will soon learn that he is getting no attention for his behaviour. start by giving him a minute for every year he is old. Consistency is the key. Ignoring a childs bad behaviour lets them know its wrong. Even slapping is giving him attention and kids thrive on it whether its good or bad attention they are getting.
dont allow the other kids to laugh at his antics either and maybe set aside some time where he can be your little helper, and praise him for everything he does right, over do the praise if you have to and he will eventually see that being bold doesnt get him anywhere.

I hope that this might be of some help to you.
