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Re: Re: Need sleeping advice!

Thanks so much for replying! I figured it had to do with the fact that we were in foreign area for a week. But it's so frustrating to deal with after being so spoiled before. She is fine as long as someone is in the room with her. It took me 2 hours last night to get her to sleep and about an hour of that (in intervals) was her crying! She was on a very set schedule before the vacation so I guess it will take time to get her back on track.
Thanks again!

Re: Re: Re: Need sleeping advice!

Hopefully it won't take too long and you will be spolied again! Were you in the same room as her on holiday? Thats when we find it the most difficult, our son is used to his own space then to be in the same room as us for a week totaly throws him out. Perhaps you could try sitting with her then gradualy moving nearer and nearer the door each night till your outside again. Saves the heartache of hearing them cry!

Good luck

Re: Re: Re: Re: Need sleeping advice!

Actually, we gave her a room all to herself but she wouldn't stay alone. So I stayed with her until she fell asleep and then left. We stayed in a 2 bedroom beach house. We let her cry for a little then if she hasn't calmed down, I go up and sit in her room until she is asleep. I won't get into the habit of rocking her. I want her to still be able to put herslef to sleep. I hope it gets better. I'm losing what little free time I had! Thanks much! Take care!