Hi - I have a 26 month old boy who is very active. Over the past several months, he has become very aggressive with my husband and I along with a few of his playmates. We have read every book out there and have tried almost everything but nothing seems to work. He has a time out room which is not effective at all. We have tried taking away his most favorite toys and it still does not deter his aggressive behavior. We do not use any physical punishment with our son and up until very recently, we were not "yellers" (I will admit that my patience has been worn thin and I have yelled at him recently). His aggressive behavior includes hitting other people, pulling them down or pushing them over and throwing toys and other household items. I am very interested in getting advice from other "parents". Thank you!
Hi have you discussed your concerns to the health visitor or your GP there is a goverment service called sure start you could pop to the nearest center and talk to them.
How consistant are you using the time out room and how long is he in it, it could be that your using this very specialist tecnique wrong.
For his age no more than 1 minuete, for each concequence.
have you attended a parenting class, these are not for inadequate parents because you could pass on your skills and ideas on that could really benefit someone else it will also put you intouch with other parents who are experiecing similair issues and i have really enjoyed all the parent classes i have been on.
Have you looked into conditions such as ADHD and other similair that have early signs in Toddlers it is important that your childs behaviour is not put down to just the terrible twos and it is just a phase.
You could also visit your local childrens centre and ask to talk to someone there.
it is very difficult to cope with toddlers who are that aggressive and violent it effects other developments in his milestones and your stress levels.
the number one thing you need is support and a doctor that will listen and help you with your worries so i wish you all the luck to obtaining that and hope it starts to get sorted.
well done for all the hard work you have put into raising a toddler.
First I highly recommend the videos by Dr Thomas W Phelan titled 1-2-3 Magic: Encouraging good behavior/managing difficult behavior in children. Once a solid, simple, consistant, useable "discipline" method is established, then you can move on to diet analysis. For example, to make a long story short...er, I watched a show once, where a young boy had very aggressive behavior and it escalated to threatening to kill his mom. By chance/luck, they had a very specific set of blood tests done and found that his body was simply not assimilating a very basic/common vitamin that he ingested on a regular basis. I think it was Iron. After pinpointing this, it was managed simply, and his bad behavior stopped. I have seen other literature about simple foods and innability to assimilate nutrients within the bodys system that causes big problems! Dont give up, and before just settling on some drug to put him on, please brainstorm/collect info/and work hard at trying to find the source along with a doctors help. Just food for thought. Oh, and I would look at the old Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs pyramid to see if he is sending out a cry for help because of a lack of a need he may feel that is not being met.
I have the same problem with my 27 month old son. He is biting and kicking at his creche. Behaviour is sporadic and some days he is brilliant. He is a very lovable child and gives loads of hugs and kisses. On friday he bit 3 children and was pushing and kicking and generally being very disruptive. He was very good at home all weekend but this morning in the creche he wont listen to the childminder and do as she says. I am at my wits end as another parent wants him taken out of the creche as he has bitten her child 3 times over the past few months. I am going to sit down with the creche this week and we are going to try and work together on consistent discipline and try to identify causes. My childminder suggested similar things to other replies for example food or sleeping. He does not sleep well at night and wakes up a lot looking for a bottle which we have stopped giving him.
I would be interested to know if you get any other advice
Good luck
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Hi - I have a 26 month old boy who is very active. Over the past several months, he has become very aggressive with my husband and I along with a few of his playmates. We have read every book out there and have tried almost everything but nothing seems to work. He has a time out room which is not effective at all. We have tried taking away his most favorite toys and it still does not deter his aggressive behavior. We do not use any physical punishment with our son and up until very recently, we were not "yellers" (I will admit that my patience has been worn thin and I have yelled at him recently). His aggressive behavior includes hitting other people, pulling them down or pushing them over and throwing toys and other household items. I am very interested in getting advice from other "parents". Thank you!