My Grandson sice he was eighteen months old hits himself with anything to hand or headbangs floors doors you name it when he is told the word NO or when he never gets his own way, this is accompianed with screaming crying, in fact he has quite a temper ..
His mum and Dad are exhausted as this can last all day without a break sometimes ..can anyone advice if he will ever grow out of this as the athorities say he is far too you to have ADHD
Get the videos by Dr. Thomas W. Phelan called, 1-2-3 Magic:Encouraging good behavior/Managing difficult behavior in children. So as he grows, he will not take his feelings of being out of control with what he wants, out on himself. And, obviously his needs are not being met somewhere...are you saying No too much?
Also check out the following to better understand him;
16 personality types based on=Kathy Kolbe Concept
Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs=pinpoint his needs
The Holy Bible=Gods instruction on Role Model/husband and wife roles.