Re: 11 year olds left in house alone, one hour a week.
Hi, I agree with Amy. I have an 11 year old who has only just started to walk home without us collecting him from school and on occasions he has had to come home to an empty house for just an hour but this is not a regular thing. The rules laid out are quite clear, no answering the door to anyone, no answering the phone (we get him to put his mobile on so only we can contact him) and I think this responsibility has given him added confidence and maturity. He rings me when he gets home and I ring him just as I leave work and it has worked out well. So I would say give it a try, only you know your own children and their maturity and I wish you luck with your course etc.
Re: 11 year olds left in house alone, one hour a week.
Hi all, After a very unsettled afternoon with the kids today, I have decided that I will not allow the kids to be home alone, not even for an hour, once a week. I told hubby that I would speak to the college to see what they had to say but he then said that he would try and get home definately an hour earlier from work every Thursday. He does enough unpaid work for the company so an hour, once a week should not be too much trouble. Many thanks for all your messages - much appreciated.
Best Wishes
Shirley 5pm Sunday 14th Aug 05
Re: 11 year olds left in house alone, one hour a week.
i felt that most of my children were mature enough to be left home alone at age 10 - - and i've other teens that i feel need to have closer supervision.
We started leaving the kids home alone during the summer (oldest one 15) - - it was working out well until they got a prank phone call and disobeyed me by answering the phone (not screening the calls thru the answering machine like they were instructed). They paniced, left the house, and went to a neighbors' home. I left work and then realized that they needed this (luckily harmless) 'test' to learn a lesson of how to behave when we're not home.
My suggestion, you need to increase your confidence that they will mind the rules when you're away - - maybe a 'test' would help you there.