there are some great books called 'the annie stories' by doris brett, a psychologist, and they may be available from online bookshops or in a library. they are special kinds of stories written specifically to help young children learn to deal with not only divorce but other things like death, things that are are confronting and sometimes hard to understand for young kids. i would highly recommend them to help explain things to your child, and i have put a link here which explains more about the books. good luck
The proper care and feeding of husbands by Dr Laura
The Bible (Male husband/female wife Roles)/role model
Confucius stated "The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home"
"The family is the nucleus of civilization"-William J. Durrant.
Or "Ruin families and you ruin all"-Rev Cotton Mather
The bible does not say for female to love her man first, but HE must love her FIRST, then in return she supports by appreciating, accepting, honoring and respecting him and his great love and reverence for her. Men are simple, women are complex. And used rightly and correctly, the family can acheive great success, joy, and prosperity!
ANYWAY...mabey you could work it out, Or have a great next relationship with the right knowledge?