My 26 month old daughter has always gonne to bed great, without a bottle, pacifier, or any other pacifying method.
About two weeks ago, she began throwinbg fits just before bed. Our evening routine includes, a drink, storytime, and prayers. She is fine until I then say "goodnight" and leave her room. She then promptly gets out of bed screaming (blood-curdling) while exits her bed. I have repeatedly put her back in her bed, advising her to stay in her bed, and she repeats this behavior for hours.
60 mins before bed tell her bed time is coming up and it is time to start winding down
30 mins before bed tell her its time to get into pjs and the quiker she gets into pjs the more time she can spend cuddeling with mommy or playing quiet games that will help her relax
15 mins before bed tell her its time to go to try for a wee and to get her bedtime drink and chose her bedtime story
10 mins before bed she climbs onto her bed and has her bed time story and then it is kissys goodnight and into bed
and she has 15 mins of alone time to play with her teddies as long as she dont get out of bed before its lights out