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asking about death

My little boy asked my wife what happens after each birthday. when he realized that he would get older and finally die he asked who would look after him when mummy was dead? To which he was told Daddy.
Then he said that he didnt want any more birthdays because he didn't want to die. this also raised the subject of heaven and the angels.
Just how should you try to explain to a 4 year old about the concept of death, especially if they find it upsetting but won't let the subject go...?
If any one has had similar experiances or knows of a trie and tested method please let me know.


Re: asking about death

My husband died a few years ago and my kids asked loads of questions. I spoke to the nurse at my doctors surgery and they sent me a leaflet out. I can't remember what it was called, but it explained everything by using the life cycle of flowers, it was a lovely book. My kids were 3 and 5. So I would advise asking there for more information. Hope this helps