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New relationship

I am a single parent who has recently started a new relationship. My 7 year old son wont got to bed when my new "friend" comes round. He gets on fine with him all other times but plays up when i tell him its time for bed. What do i do?

Re: New relationship

Your son is simply worried that he will miss something or that something will happen to mom if he is not arround at 7 he has in his mind become your protector and sees his role as been there with you at all times

I hope his helps

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I am a single parent who has recently started a new relationship. My 7 year old son wont got to bed when my new "friend" comes round. He gets on fine with him all other times but plays up when i tell him its time for bed. What do i do?

Re: New relationship

Im also in that sitution right now with my 7 yr old daughter is the same way we spend time all day with her then she doesnt want to go bed .. so what I have been telling her is that i love her then i lay wITH HER