The hugely successful BBC series ‘Who Rules The Roost?’ gives working mums and dads the opportunity to take on the role of stay-at-home parent for two weeks. If mum feels guilty about not being home in time for tea, or dad works late and doesn’t get to read the bedtime stories, then this is their chance to discover whether the grass really is greener for parents that are able to do so.
For many working parents, the obligations and hectic schedules of demanding careers can leave few opportunities to enjoy the perks of parenting. Collecting the children from school, a trip to the park, or an hour spent helping with homework can be a rare treat rather than the norm. It is little wonder that many parents worry they might be missing out.
Few working parents have the opportunity to test the waters before deciding whether to put their career on hold and focus on full time parenting, but the BBC is giving some parents this potentially life changing opportunity.
Mum and dad (or single parents) will each in turn take two weeks off work to experience the realities of stay-at-home parenthood. Will it be a blissful and rewarding breeze or will they both be desperate to get back to work at the end of the trial?
The series will be transmitted in autumn 2005 and filming will take place during the summer holidays.
Interested couples should contact Clare, Christina, Abi or Jo for more information:
T: 01273 224 826