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Child wants timeout

My four year old daughter is asking for timeouts. I don't want to spank her when she is in trouble, because I don't think it's effective. If a timeout is something she wants, then it's not really a punishment. How do I discipline her now? Any suggestions?

Re: Child wants timeout

When you give her a time out - is she by herself? If not, it might be an attention getting action. My daughter is placed in her room, alone (1 min for each year old).

Re: Child wants timeout

Hi :)

I had a similar situation with one of my sons- What I did was"name" them 2 separate events, one being time out, when behavior warranted a cooling down time, and the other was called "quiet time" where he wanted some time alone and he could do a quiet activity. He quickly was able to distinguish between the 2, and to this day (he's 11) will ask for "quiet time" when needed. Good luck :)