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Found out my 8 year old daughter was looking at a porn website...

By reviewing my internet history I just found out my daughter was looking at an internet porn site.

Obviously I need to talk with her, but I'm not sure how to handle it. I don't want to come down too hard on her and make her think that sex itself is inherently bad. But I also want to make it very clear that what she was doing was completely unacceptable.

Any advice on how to initiate the conversation and what I might want to cover would be much appreciated.

Re: Found out my 8 year old daughter was looking at a porn website...

Firstly I would get a net nanny pronto and keep an eye on her using the internet. I would ask her straight up about the site, how she found it and why. Then tell her you don't want her visiting it anymore as this is site for grownups. She may have accidently come across it not been actively seeking so be calm and cool about it.

Re: Found out my 8 year old daughter was looking at a porn website...

first of all you should block all sugjestive sites and maybe even take away the internet. My kids are only allowed on when i am right there. dont worry, this isnt cruel because the internet isnt a good place for little kids anyways.