I have a nine year old daughter who is overweight. I have been extremely careful in handling the situation because I don't want to cause an eating disorder. However, I have come to the conclusion that she already has one. I don't buy junk food. I keep plenty of fresh fruit and nutritious snacks. I have two other children that are a healthy weight. My overweight child is a middle child and seems to love food more than anything else. She resists physical activity even though I have spent a fortune on dance lessons, soccer uniforms, etc. I took her to our pediatrician who informed us that she indeed is overweight and recommended that we eat right and exercise. I am a stay at home mom and spend all my time with her except when she is at school or at a friend's house. I feel terrible about policing this child's every bite but she sneaks food if I turn my back for a minute. I don't know what else to do...
I have recently put a lock on my pantry and fridge, my children are not overweight but just have to eat everything because its there. So now they have to ask! and no more sneaking