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Re: What would you change?

I guess bravenet is a free webhosting, but I think you may want to at least register the or website name and link it to this site.

What the heck is up with the venues also, are they not participating in this by putting their schedules up? I would think that its the least that they can do considering that you are putting their information on your site.

One thing that you might add, is some info for local studios. Just name and number type stuff would be helpful.

That's about it though. I don't mean to sound like I'm nitpicking or criticizing, because I think what you've done here is an awesome and much needed thing. I've been pushing the site to anyone I can, and if everyone will help with that, this just might work out for us all.

Thanks for your hard work.

Re: What would you change?

How about updating the site every once in a while?

Yahoo webhosting gives you 50mb of storage and 20GB of bandwidth with your very own personal domain for a little over $11 a month. I think it might be a good investment.
