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Labor of Love Discussion Board
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Re: No Subject

*Chuckling softly.* I believe My kitten has answered the question quite well from My perspective as well. she is a part of My life far beyond anything I could have dreamed would be possible through simply the Internet, e-mail, and phone. The fact that W/we've quite accepted the fact W/we're bound so tightly T/together even before meeting r/t is a testament to what can be if the feelings and effort are strong enough.

I do appologize for My lack of an answer until now. Due to various circumstances I've been busy with one thing or another lately. However, there are plans being worked on to add more content to O/our site soon.

Please feel free to visit and chat as much as Y/you like. This is a very good, Thought provoking question and W/we need more of them in O/our lives. After all without questions how can O/one learn?

P.S. A pleasure to meet you, substantial.


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Replying to:

Well, after seeing what Y/you T/two have created together, i am certainly surprised to notice that there is not much discussion going on in the forum. Perhaps that can be remedied by me.

Let me ask Y/you this question, though i believe this couple is biased:

How affective can an online relationship be?

At what point durring that relationship should it turn to an real time relationship?

And how can a person truely know the O/other if online words are the only ones spoken?

i'm interested to see the response.