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Re: Re: Re: No Subject

Not as of yet, no. There were plans for the meeting to take place starting back on December 28th, 2002 to Jan. 6th. Unfortunately they fell through on My end and I'm working on getting things set up to correct it ASAP. However, it hasn't stopped U/us from growing closer every day when W/we talk to O/one A/another. When it does happen - and I've absolutely no doubt in any part of My Being that it will far sooner rather than later - it will be an event such as the Heavens above rarely see.

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Replying to:

Yyou haven't met Eeachother r/t yet?

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Replying to:

I must agree with My kitten, there really isn't a better question that You could have asked U/us. W/we deeply enjoy scening in many different ways - public or private - and I feel it is a showing of trust between T/two, a growing experience, symbol of love, and entertainment to T/those watching. Though W/we would ~never~ think of performing a "canned" (prewritten) scene. That's too easy, and nowhere near as creative. O/ours are purely done on the fly - though with much Thought given to each action and movement as I've absolutely no wish to seriously hurt the one I love more than anything. Especially once W/we make the transition to reality T/together.

Be welcome within the walls of O/our home, and thank You for the question.

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Replying to:

What are Yyour views on sceening?

Re: Re: Re: Re: No Subject

I am certain that the Ttwo of Yyou will enjoy Yyourselves immensley when that event comes to play.

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Replying to:

Not as of yet, no. There were plans for the meeting to take place starting back on December 28th, 2002 to Jan. 6th. Unfortunately they fell through on My end and I'm working on getting things set up to correct it ASAP. However, it hasn't stopped U/us from growing closer every day when W/we talk to O/one A/another. When it does happen - and I've absolutely no doubt in any part of My Being that it will far sooner rather than later - it will be an event such as the Heavens above rarely see.

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Replying to:

Yyou haven't met Eeachother r/t yet?

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Replying to:

I must agree with My kitten, there really isn't a better question that You could have asked U/us. W/we deeply enjoy scening in many different ways - public or private - and I feel it is a showing of trust between T/two, a growing experience, symbol of love, and entertainment to T/those watching. Though W/we would ~never~ think of performing a "canned" (prewritten) scene. That's too easy, and nowhere near as creative. O/ours are purely done on the fly - though with much Thought given to each action and movement as I've absolutely no wish to seriously hurt the one I love more than anything. Especially once W/we make the transition to reality T/together.

Be welcome within the walls of O/our home, and thank You for the question.

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Replying to:

What are Yyour views on sceening?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: No Subject

*Smiling softly.* I know W/we will. *Tilting My head to the right a bit.* Now, B/both Myself and lauren must admit to being a bit curious as to W/who is hiding beneath the mask of Anonymity within O/our walls. *Quirking an eyebrow slightly.* I don't suppose that will be changing anytime soon?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: No Subject

Do Yyou Gguys know that Yyour chat room doesn't work?

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Replying to:

*Smiling softly.* I know W/we will. *Tilting My head to the right a bit.* Now, B/both Myself and lauren must admit to being a bit curious as to W/who is hiding beneath the mask of Anonymity within O/our walls. *Quirking an eyebrow slightly.* I don't suppose that will be changing anytime soon?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: No Subject

Unfortunately, yes. *Making a face.* W/we tried to use it for a scene one night to post here, but it didn't work out. W/we're looking into the matter to see if there might not be something better that can be put in its place. Well...more specifically I will be, given all the work she's already done and all. ~_^

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Replying to:

Do Yyou Gguys know that Yyour chat room doesn't work?

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Replying to:

*Smiling softly.* I know W/we will. *Tilting My head to the right a bit.* Now, B/both Myself and lauren must admit to being a bit curious as to W/who is hiding beneath the mask of Anonymity within O/our walls. *Quirking an eyebrow slightly.* I don't suppose that will be changing anytime soon?