Women's Rugby at Longwood

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Women's Rugby at Longwood
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team party!

hey girls!! id REALLY like to get together and party with everyone. the perfect oppurtunity is this saturday! the boys in f-dorm over at hsc are having a big party. i thought we could pregame here (me janets and hollies) around 8-9 then head there after 10. please let me know if you can come. itll be soo fun and a good chance for us to hang out outside of practice. were gonna need some rookie dds, but im keeping a list so everyone will go thru before we make someone do it twice. remember, well have dds for savannah too, so if you do it this saturday, most likely you wont have to down there. everyone has been a dd before, so please dont be selfish and pitch in and help. it is acceptable to get a friend whos not on the team to dd, so ask around! ill take volunteers, and if no one does, then well just make a list. thanks guys!! see you all at practice!!