Women's Rugby at Longwood

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Women's Rugby at Longwood
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car wash

since its going to be nice all week, id like to do a car wash on either thursday or friday. id like to do it from 12-3 cuz thats when itll be the warmest. thank you! also, check your email!

Re: car wash

liah, janet and hollie can do it friday, is that okay with others?? you only have to stay for an hour or so between 12 and 3pm. let me know when you can do it.

Re: car wash

Re: car wash

Also, we will need sponges, towls and soap? who has what and what will we need to buy before hand?

I'm probally headed home this weekend so I might be able to help set up, it just depends on what time my ride want to leave. Also I am sopose to meet with the manager at Charlies and PE Bean on Friday between 11-12. We need everyone to step up and help out!!!

Re: car wash

i can work a car wash thursday from like 2-3 after my classes but i have a class friday that prevents me from being able to be there.

just let me know the final plans.

Re: car wash

hey! smash has classes until 11. so i can help out after that! yay!

Re: car wash

hey, I can do the carwash on THURSDAY. my classes end at 1215. I cannot do it on friday because I have classes from 1-3. lemme know the final plans. thanks

Re: car wash

hey, i have class from 10 to 230 so i most likely won't be any use......if there is anyhting else i can do let me know!!

Re: car wash

hey guys, i am really sorry but i have class from 1-3:15 on thursday and then on friday i have to leave right after my 1:00 class to go to Richmond for an interview. If there is anything else i can help with let me know.

Re: car wash

I Can be there all day friday, might be a few minutes late my class ends at 12, Also, it would be a good idea if everyone started tellin people about it as soon as as know the details,, especialy if you cant come and wash cars, you can do your part by sending cars!