Women's Rugby at Longwood

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Women's Rugby at Longwood
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Rookie Costumes

so if you havent all heard by now, we have decided that the rookies will be Jem and the Holograms and their rivals the Misfits for Ed and Sandy Lee Halloween party. Id like to go out as a team and have you all wear the costumes here at school, but i understand if you have already invested in other costumes. if theres more than one party to go to over the weekend and/or monday, the rookies will wear it then too. you must put together your costumes and get them approved by the vets. i suggest thrift stores, there are 2 in farmville alone, let me know of you dont know where they are. ill post who's who at the end of this message.
mary pruter, an old rugger, is doing our website so i need any pics you guys have to scan for her use. also, feel free to let her/me know what you want to see on the site.
pumpkin carving tomorrow is at KRISSY's house, sometime after practice. try to get your pumpkin ahead of time in the d-hall. itll be fun and well watch a jem dvd so you guys can see your characters in action. please go online and get pics so you know what to get for clothing and such.
if we only have 11 people on thursday, were not going. im working on it now, and i think we can get 13. until later....

Jem and the Holograms
Jem: Mary
Kimber: Smash
Shana: Nina
Aja: Sabrina

The Misfits (the rival band)
Pizzaz: Sam
Stormer: Whitney
Roxy: Heather
Synergy: Hailey