Women's Rugby at Longwood

We love to scrum!

Women's Rugby at Longwood
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Ok, I know I have to update the roster and contact information on the website. And I think I have to add a link to this message board. But what else do I need to do? Suggestions, anyone?

Also, who are the officers and what is their contact information?

Someone write something or give me a suggestion for what to put on the front page. Right now it's empty.

I know I need to change the schedule. Someone post it for me. I'll put it on the site.

And pictures? Anyone have pictures? You can send them to me at mapruter@gmail.com or send me a link and I'll post it on the website.

Thats all I guess, unless any of you guys have suggestions. I'll do a massive site update once I get all the info.

Later kiddos.

Also, theres the link for Ed and Sandy Lee info:

Re: Website

in case you don't know the website is http://rugbychicks.topcities.com

When I get new pictures I can change the banner at the top to be more recent.