Women's Rugby at Longwood

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Women's Rugby at Longwood
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U of R game

Ok ladies i need everyone's thoughts on this so please let me know what you think. The kickoff for the U of R game for next thursday was supposed to be at 7, but there student rec center wont let them be on the field past 7. They were wondering if a kick off at 5:30 would be ok. If everyone could let me know how much this would effect you that would be great because i need to get back to them soon. I also have directions for anyone who's family might be coming

Re: U of R game

Thats fine with me, Im done with classes at 12:30 on thur.

Re: U of R game

5:30 is fine with me. I'm done with classes by 1230 on Thursday.

Re: U of R game

thats fine with me too. mine are done at 12ishh! ok byee!have a good day!

Re: U of R game

i have a class at 7:30 on thursday - im gonna email my teacher and ask if its okay if i miss without my grade being deducted - ill let you know!

Re: U of R game

hey guys! i REALLY wanna play on thursday, and we'd all be at practice around that time anyway, so everyone should be able to go. coach graham is going to come, and itll be very good for him to watch us play a game. i think we should practice wednesday, so we can make it a later practice so all of us can attend. as for the game thursday, wed like all those of you who can to leave at 3. the people with classes til 3:15 can ride together. BRING FOOD TO EAT IN THE CAR if you cant eat before. DRINK WATER all day.