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My 5 year old has lost her confidence

My 5 year old has gone from a happy confident little girl to a nervous wreck outside the home in a matter of weeks. She didnt feel well after eating out one day (not connected to the food) and ever since then she has lost total confidence with every social situation outside the home (ie school, parties, ballet - everything she loves). She just cries and says she has "funny tummy" - this doesnt stop after she is dropped off but continues all the through the session. Please help - I'm at my wits end - I've tried reasoning, talking, bribing and doctors but nothing seems to get through! I feel like I've been given a different child.

Re: My 5 year old has lost her confidence

Why don't you just flow with her need and don't take her to any social or school activities for a while. Spring break is here. Just let her be and feel comfortable at home with no demands.

Validate her feelings and listen, until she opens up and tells you something about her fear. Read the book Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves. With lots of real life examples it explains everything about children's emotions. It explains how fighting it only makes it worse. Flowing with it with love and understanding helps the child open up, understand herself and then you can help.