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Bed wetting


My 4 yr old son has been wetting his bed constantly for the last 5 months. He had a bad cold when it first started, which we said was probably causing it. On average, his sheets & pyjamas are changed 3 times per night. It is beyond a joke now and we're totally hacked off with the disrupted sleep for us and extra washing.

We've had no problems with wetting during the daytime and he got himself dry at night (without any help from me) last August. However, since early October, he's probably had no more than 10 dry beds.

Has anyone any ideas how we can solve this problem?
I don't believe in cutting out drinks totally but we do limit them early afternoon onwards. We've also tried taking him to the loo in the night, but we always seemed to be too late. He refuses to wear pull-ups and genuinely seems to be keen to try not to wet, but of course, when he's asleep, he doesn't remember the rewards or treats for dry beds.

I've not tried my GP or health visitor yet - not sure what they can do, so I thought I'd pick your brains instead.

Any ideas will be appreciated.



Re: Bed wetting

This is probably emotional. Since he was already dry at night, there is no reason to suspect physical problem. I would seek advice about emotional causes. Dr. Aldort helped me alot with this kind of stuff and she works by phone internationally.

Meanwhile, he should have no choice by to wear pull ons.
Tell him it is better. Release him from the need to have a dry bed. Tell him it is normal for his age and there is no rush. The pressure to "perform" dry night is very stressful and harmful. Just let go of the whole expectation and put those pull ons back on. In the morning take them off matter of factly with a hug and a kiss. No problem.