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behavior problems


I have an 8 year old son who has had behavior problems since the age of 3. He has problems still with soiling himself, he has problems with agression to the point of biteing kicking and genaral abuse, non stop talking and and fidgets about to the point of not being able to sit for longer than a few minutes. he constantly has to be reminded to sit down whilst eating any meals.

He is constantly in trouble at school for being abusive physically and verbally toward other pupils.It has been said by his teachers that he cannot cope with the surrounding that he is in and this is why he is reacting like this.

we have explored every avenue to help our son. Medical proffessionals in our area dont seem to have any answers for us as he cannot be "pigeonholed" and therefore wont statement him but as they have only seen him on several occasions an hour at a time how can they make a judgement?
They are now blocking any atempts we make to help our son with his difficulties.

we are just looking for help andf advice from people with the same difficulties so that we can help our son to cope with school and with life in genaral as we are becoming desperate for an answer.

many thanks

Re: behavior problems

I have a friend who has a similar difficulty with her son. The best help she ever received is phone advice from doctor Aldort. I used her advice too. Incredibly helpful.

Basically she will help you see that your son is very good and wonderful and he suffers because of something that is not easy to detect but with her guidance you will detect what it is. He needs something he isn't getting. I don't know what it is, but children's behavior is a reflection of their emotional state. They need understand and a solution to their issues. Seek help from this amazin psychologist. She works by phone internationally. Good luck.

Re: behavior problems

Sadly, most medical professionals have been taught to do just that, "pigeonhole". When they can't do it, it seems only a rare few will continue to take the time to help you these days.

I echo strongly that this is an emotional and/or biophysical response to unmet needs or something aggravating in his environment. If either of you are able to take leave from work to help your son, he very desperately needs your care right now. Try to eliminate potential sources of toxicity in your home i.e. chemical cleaners, synthetic fragrances, etc. Eliminate processed/refined foods from his diet and use wholegrain foods. A highly trained nutritionist can be a wonderful support.

I am certainly no doctor but I used to work with children with developmental challenges and it sounds as though your son may experience something akin to Asperger's syndrome (essentially a very mild form of autism). Things like hypersensitivity to various situations, being "in his own world" alot of the time, and sudden outbursts of anger or aggression are typical. I'm the last one to put a stamp on something, but if you're looking for guidance in a general direction I'd send you wandering in that viscinity. He needs someone to reach out to him in what HE perceives to be a non-threatening way, so family is key. When professionals are involved, keep their numbers to a minimum so that he can develop somewhat of a relationship with them and avoid feeling like a science project.

I wish I could be more help.