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getting my three year old to walk and not insist to be carried

I need adcice on how to get my three year old daughter to walk and not be carried. She really must feel secure being carried. IfI do not carry her she puts on a huge fight and tantrum.
please help with any ideas or tips, my back is really starting to ache!!


Re: getting my three year old to walk and not insist to be carried

one of these:

might be worth investing in to save your back a bit. (first site I came to when I googled).

My 3rd daughter wouldn't walk, she'd throw herself on the floor and scream blue murder, I only had her walking because her buggy had had it but ended up buying a new one at age 3 just for a quiet life. She did walk quite happily after a few months so maybe just back in the buggy for a while (long enough to forget about this phase) is something to think about.

Re: Re: getting my three year old to walk and not insist to be carried

Thanks for that advice Ellie... I think I will give the buggy a go.

Re: Re: Re: getting my three year old to walk and not insist to be carried

Here here. Get something to help carry her. She needs it emotionally.