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Als je wat te vragen hebt of wat te zeggen doe dat dan hier!!

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I am glad that you are interested in the Bible. I am looking into it myself and think it is very interesting. My mother is a Jehovah's Witness and she wants me to study the Bible with them. They are helping me as much as I want. I am deaf myself but I read a lot I believe what the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 1:4 that God created the earth to be inhabited by people forever and that his intentions will come true.
We are now on a sort of "de-tour" because of what happened in the beginning. I am sure you have heard that Adam and Eve were created with a free will, and therefore could chose who they would listen to. Unfortunately for us, they chose to listen to a snake who is defined for us in Revelation 12:9 as Satan, the original serpent, and therefore God's enemy/opponent.
To make a long story short, the Bible tells us that just before God will restore the Paradise on earth, it will be a period with great difficulties and problems on earth and among people, you can f.i. read about it in 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
The Paradise God Will restore is the same as Jesus called "the Kingdom" when he taught us to pray: "let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth" (Matthew 6:10) And it is the same kingdom Daniel mentions in Dan. 2:44.
Please answer me again because I hope that as many as possible can believe in the wonderful hope for the future. You can contact Jehovah's Witness where you live and I am sure they will answer all your questions about the Bible.